MTOTO: Mobilizing Towards Outcomes Through advOcacy

The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating impacts on youth. Among the most vulnerable have been BIPOC children and adolescents. While most students suffered learning loss and mental health symptoms, few young people sought out opportunities to engage with community. Rationale: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its disproportionate impacts on black and brown communities, Dr. Kim Rhoads created the Umoja Health coalition to reunite public health and health care, and work together with community to elevate health and wellness. In San Mateo County, Ms. Lisa Tealer and Kala Mehta utilized the Umoja model to support 54 pop up vaccination clinics, vaccinate over 15,000 people and led 90 community dialogues with over 70 community stakeholders.

A central part of all efforts were youth mobilizers, who advocated for community members. They delivered information about COVID-19 and access to services, their efforts addressing barriers for BIPOC community supported increases in COVID-19 vaccine and testing sites while simultaneously engaging in workforce development opportunities for their future careers, sometimes in health and medicine.

This Catalyst project seeks to expand the impacts of the youth mobilizer program in San Mateo County to increase access to care and advocacy for historically underrepresented community members, particularly members with chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and long COVID-19. 


  • Bay Area Community Health Advisory Council (BACHAC)
  • Umoja Health San Mateo County