Director and State Public Health Officer, California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
As a local and national leader in public health and the COVID-19 response, Dr. Tomás Aragón, MD, MPH, spearheaded the CPR3 initiative, guiding it from an initial idea, to securing funding and ensuring the program’s formation. As a Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) member, Dr. Aragón continues to support CPR3’s ongoing collaborative efforts and mission. As California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Director, Dr. Aragón strives to embody and promote the universal values of dignity, equity, compassion and humility. He works through collaborative partnerships to mobilize communities, academic partners, and institutions to transform policies and systems towards a culture of equity, antiracism, healing and health for all people and our planet. As State Public Health Officer, he exercises leadership and legal authority to protect health and prevent disease.
Prior to coming to CDPH, he was the health officer for the City and County of San Francisco and director of the Population Health Division. Dr. Aragón has served in public health leadership roles for more than 20 years (communicable disease controller, deputy health officer, health officer, community health and chronic disease epidemiologist), including directing a public health emergency preparedness and response research and training center at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health.